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About the Rod Oar PaddleTM
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Rod Oar


Caution: This product is not intended for use in extreme weather and water conditions, such as, but not limited to river rapids, ocean surf, or rough seas. It is not designed to Eskimo-roll a kayak. It is not to be used as the primary paddle to propel a watercraft. Secure all hooks before paddling with a fishing rod.

Welcome to Rod Oar Paddle Inc.!


Every kayak fisherman knows that once you put your paddle down, you are just a feather on the water being controlled by wind, waves, wake, and current. The Rod Oar PaddleTM is the first and only paddle of its kind. It is designed for the kayak fisherman to use his fishing rod, with the Rod Oar PaddleTM attached, to maneuver and stay in control of his kayak while he is fishing, his rod never leaves his hands. Before the Rod Oar PaddleTM, a kayak fisherman had to constantly put his rod down and pick up his paddle to maneuver his kayak, and then put his paddle down and pick up his rod again to fish. Now a kayak fisherman can enjoy more time fishing, keep your rod in your hands with the Rod Oar PaddleTM.