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About the Rod Oar PaddleTM
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Rod Oar


Caution: This product is not intended for use in extreme weather and water conditions, such as, but not limited to river rapids, ocean surf, or rough seas. It is not designed to Eskimo-roll a kayak. It is not to be used as the primary paddle to propel a watercraft. Secure all hooks before paddling with a fishing rod.


This 25 pound Striper was trolled up in a back bay off of Long Island Sound. Trolling from a kayak using the Rod Oar PaddleTM puts a herky jerky action into the lure which simulates a fish in distress. This motion is the same motion you would use if you were trolling from a motor boat. When a fish strikes, you feel it right away, because your rod is in your hands. You don’t have to put your paddle on your lap, pull your rod out of its rod holder and see if the fish is still on, anymore.

So you’re trolling with your Rod Oar PaddleTM and Bam!!! Fish on!..now you paddle 3 or 4 backstrokes on the left side, and 3 or 4 front strokes on the right side, and you’ve turned around to fight your fish off the bow. You can’t do that with a fishing rod in your hand and a paddle across your lap in 5 seconds. No way!

The Rod Oar PaddleTM also brings stealth to the game. In thin waters like ponds, streams, small lakes, or back bays anything that touches the kayak amplifies underwater. If you have your paddle floating next to you on a leash, that tapping against the kayak is like someone tapping on an aquarium glass. Fish get spooked.

Taking your rod out of its rod holder or putting your paddle down inside your kayak creates amplification. With the Rod Oar PaddleTM there is no transition from paddle to rod. Your rod is your paddle!

Casting with the Rod Oar PaddleTM allows you work structured areas such as reefs, tight rivers, rocky shorelines, and stumped bayous by giving you maneuverability and control of your kayaks position at all times, without having to put your fishing rod down. Controlling the orientation of your kayak in wavy areas is crucial to kayak fisherman. A kayak fisherman can maneuver his kayak bow first to approaching wake waves or those sets of waves that come out of nowhere ( the kind that can dump you ), without interrupting his casting and retrieving. That means you are maximizing your time with your line wet, and that makes a day of fishing more productive and enjoyable.